Do You Know How Much Stroke Recovery Could Cost? If Not, Consider Long-Term Care Insurance
Maybe you’re in your early to mid 50’s. Perhaps you’re in your 40’s. Maybe you’re in your late 50’s or just starting out in your 60’s. However old you are, you know about stroke risks. You may have a clean bill of health, get a physical regularly, and feel great, but there is always a risk. And it increases with age.
Long-Term Care Insurance Companies Rancho Bernardo CA – Do You Know How Much Stroke Recovery Could Cost? If Not, Consider Long-Term Care Insurance
It’s not always just about the risk of stroke we need to focus on. Sometimes, it’s about what might happen afterward. In the event you or another dependent (such as your spouse) has a stroke or other medical emergency, do you have any idea how much recovery could cost you?
Most people don’t. As May is National Stroke Awareness Month, it’s a good idea to have at least some clue as to just how much it could cost you and your family to recover from a stroke.
The severity of a stroke will vary.
Some strokes are considered relatively mild. They may leave no long-term lasting impact. It might not affect a person’s ability to speak, move, grab objects, and perform other tasks.
Other strokes are serious. If a person even survives it for long-term, they may be unable to move, lose control of half their body, and face other serious repercussions.
In the event you or a dependent has a stroke, the cost of long-term care can be quite shocking. Not many Americans are fully versed on how much long-term care costs. A lot of them incorrectly assume that their health insurance or the government will pay for it.
That is simply not true. Most health insurance policies will only cover short-term care. That might be for a few weeks or, at most, a couple of months.
Medicare and Medicaid will not cover long-term care costs until all available personal assets are used first. That means you may have to sell your home or take out a reverse mortgage to cover long-term care costs before Medicaid or Medicare will even begin to kick in.
That’s why long-term care insurance is so important.
The average cost of nursing home care in the United States is $85,000. In Alaska, it’s over $300,000. Those numbers can be eye-opening for many people.
Stroke recovery can take years. Now that you can do the math, you should quickly realize just how expensive recovery from a stroke could be. If you want to protect your personal assets and retirement investments, contact long-term care insurance companies now.
If you or a loved-one are considering Long-Term Care Insurance Companies in Rancho Bernardo CA, please contact Steve Elliott at Capstone Insurance for an honest discussion about your future and your options. Call today (858) 350-3161.
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